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2019 Regional Crew at Berkner High School

             L to R: Tom Trigger, Ricardo Elizondo, Ed Lau, Michael Robinson

2017 State Playoff

Dallas, Tx.

                                           L to R: Tim Craft, Joanie Havens

2017 State Officials

2017 State

2017 Region Playoff

Richardson, Tx.

L to R: Tom Trigger, Barbara Graham, Karen Traub, Carmelo Pastrana

2017 TAPPS Playoff

L to R: Keith Lemons, Gilbert Sarabia, Al Miller, Jordan Bennett

Referee Officials for 2016 Region 1 Playoff at Tiger Arena, Glen Rose, Tx. ​ Left to Right: Tim Craft, Augusto Rodriguez, Jordan Bennett, Carmelo Pastrana

2016 Region 1 Playoff

Tiger Arena, Glen Rose, Tx.

L to R: Tim Craft, Augusto Rodriguez, Jordan Bennett, Carmelo Pastrana

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