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Scheduler Fees

A deposit of $50 is paid as  part of preseason requirements. For returning members, the due date for deposit is May 1.  New members should pay a deposit as soon as possible as a deposit must be paid in order to be eligible to receive a schedule.

The fees are approved by the board upon recommendation of the scheduler. They are as follows:


Varsity  $3 per match

Sub-varsity  $2 per match

Tournaments  $5 per day

Declined  $5 per match

Turnbacks  $15 per match

Late Fee $25 after May 1 this year only due to transition.  Normally Jan.15

Returned check fee  $25 or more if banking institution charges more


Each official is responsible for keeping track of their personal schedule.  The scheduler will notify each official with the balance of scheduling fees due postseason.  Fees for the past year are due usually no later than Jan. 15.  An optional deposit for the upcoming year may be included but not required until May 1.

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