May 1st preference sheets are due to Mary Seibert at 24havocvb@gmail.com
April 29th Classroom training North Location TBA
May 6th Classroom training South Location TBA
May13th classroom training North Location TBA
May 20th Classroom training South Location TBA
June 5 1st year training at LNH at 6:30
June 10-13th 1st & 2nd year training at LNH at 6:30
July 13th State meeting is at the Abilene Convention center, Pre-register or there will be a $25.00 walk in fee.
July 17- August 20th on-line clinics available
July 20th l regional clinics in Lubbock, Arlington, and Martin, TX
July 21st Regional clinic in Overton and San Antonio, TX
July 27 Regional Legacy Stadium in Katy, and McAllen, TX
August 4th last chance clinic at Bryan High School in Bryan, TX