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Alignment/Player Position


Under Construction

Even after many years of training and officiating matches, officials have trouble with alignment/player position. The button below is the rule. We will focus on Rule 6, Section 4 Player Position

We have noticed relatively new officials are trying to figure out if everyone is in the correct position. They end up not being able to perform that function and they no longer follow the game the way we, as R1's, want and need. We need to get you focused on the most important aspect of alignment ... where is the setter for each team (front or back row). If there is a back/front row fault, the setter is involved 95% of the time. Rather than argue about the accuracy of the 95% comment, let us say they are involved a lot. Once you can follow the setter, we can add in something like who is their opposite. After you get that down, add who is to the setter's left/right.  THE POINT ... at a minimum, you must know the position of the setter for each team.

Common Positions for Serve

Featuring : Clear Falls High School: 2015 6A runner-up

They run a 5-1, this means the same person is the setter in each rotation


The goal of the video is to

  1. Have students be aware of how the setter moves to their defensive position after the serve.

  2. Observe initial player positioning before they move to their defensive/offensive position

  3. Observe movement of the players to their defensive/offensive positions after a serve

  4. Why it is important to know if the setter is front row or back row

  5. For this exercise, do not be concerned about nets, ball handling, etc., concentrate on position, player movement and where setter moves

  6. Watch the players on the left

  7. There will be a R1 and R2 perspective

Positions Before Serve                                                   

At the start the front row players will wave, then the setter will wave.

=============== NET ===============

Note:  Alyssa Enneking #14, All City, signed with Oklahoma

Positions After the Serve

=============== NET ===============

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